Puerto Rico hurricane relief project a nightmare for residents
Puerto Ricans waiting for assistance from Mainland US are increasingly becoming desperate for fuel and other supplies. Unfortunately, it has become a log Jam as Mainland us residents are also in great need of fuel. However despite an abundance of fuel residing in tankers off of the piers in Puerto Rico’s port cities, it’s turning into a nightmare that is leading some residents to panic . the electrical grid has big knocked completely out in the country dust gas powered generators are there only forms of survival that meet the basic needs like boiling water . for some of these people it has become a life-or-death situation. With Puerto Rico having Caribbean temperatures up into the 90s, elderly Young & Sick are extremely vulnerable without any means to stay cool. It’s a dire situation and reason to be fearful. We are getting reports of people waiting an endless long lines in blistering heat for gas and other Essentials. Read More